Here is how and why we can significantly increase your sales
Why is Spanish-language Radio so important in reaching the Hispanic Community and why should your business advertise on TIGRE 94.7 FM & 101.5 FM/1580 AM or TIGRE 102.1 FM/1450 AM?
Pare contactar nuestro departamento de ventas, mandenos un email a [email protected] y un vendedor les respondera para asegurarse que Tigre Radio cumpla sus necessidades de publicidad. Para acceso a nuestros Media Kits, llame al (970) 356 1452.
Contact our sales department at [email protected]. We will respond to your inquiry and ensure TIGRE Radio fulfills your advertising needs. For access to our Media Kits, call (970) 356-1452.
Contact our sales department at [email protected]. We will respond to your inquiry and ensure TIGRE Radio fulfills your advertising needs. For access to our Media Kits, call (970) 356-1452.